HomeWhy a Broker

Why a Broker

Why You Should

Hire a Broker

This is probably the single most common question we encounter whenever talking about our business and services. Despite being in business for over 3 decades, the idea of an auto broker is still new.

No more Headaches

Nobody likes dealing with annoying salesmen.

Why use an auto broker?

We offer our clients more than just price quotes. We give them advice on what direction they should take with their new luxury purchase or lease. 

Aside from purchasing a home, a car is usually the second largest purchase people make. You need to have some representation with a purchase like this. 

We know all the dealer’s secrets and have access to all the bank rates. Car dealers are known to be shady and pushy. They are the reason we are in business. We will take the hassle out of car shopping by saving you money and make it the ultimate experience.

Save $2000+

when compared to the same deals offered by dealerships.

Save Time

by letting us research, negotiate, and handle the process for you.


Everything done for you.

Why A Broker

Using a broker has it's advantages.

Spend Less Time

Less time researching, negotiating, dealing with paperwork, and so on. You can save countless hours by avoiding traditional dealerships and waiting for all the paperwork. 

Get The Best Price

We will get you the best price on any new vehicle. We have access to all the bank rates and dealership databases which allows us to negotiate the best and lowest price. We utilize our connections and extensive industry knowledge to leverage dealers into giving us a fair price for our clients.

Your Personal Car Expert

If you already know what car you want, then great! If not, we’re the car experts and will help you find a vehicle that fits your life. Either way we’re here to make sure dealerships don’t take advantage of you and you get the best price possible. 

why us

We offer a complete experience.

Aside from purchasing a home, a car is usually the second largest purchase people make, and often one that people end up regretting (1 in 4 people report they are unhappy with their purchase). We’re not only here to make your life easier, but also to help you make a wise financial decision. You wouldn’t do any of the following without the proper assistance.

Buying a House ➡️ Real Estate Agent

Investing ➡️ Financial Planner

Insurance ➡️ Insurance Agent

Car Purchase ➡️ SMG Auto Broker

With over 30 years in the industry, we offer our clients more than just price quotes. We give them advice on what direction they should go in with their new vehicle. Nobody knows the LEASING game like we do! We share our contacts with our clients to get them the most savings, guaranteed.


(1000+ Reviews)

Buying a House

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Direction Arrows


Direction Arrows

Car Purchase

Direction Arrows


Financial Planner

Insurance Agent

SMG Auto Broker

SMG Auto Broker

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